Projects A-Z
Here, you’ll find all Capital of Culture year projects listed in alphabetical order. Click on the "more" link for a detailed description and further informations.
30.04.2009 - 02.05.2009Three world premieres in three days were framed by a landscape opera in three acts. Composition and improvisation, space and sound movement, rhythms and free forms were woven into a tightly-knit experience. more
20.09.2009 - 09.01.2010Philip Glass’ opera, written expressly for the Landestheater and Linz09, explored the intellectual cosmos of astronomer Johannes Kepler. more
Kepler Salon
12.01.2009 - 16.12.2009Johannes Kepler lived in Linz from 1612 to 1627. In 2009 the house in which the mathematician/astronomer resided hosted a series of scientific dialogues. more
20.06.2009Festive, colorful, and loud: KIDSPARADE is Europe’s one and only march for Children’s Rights. Because the future starts with our young people! more
01.02.2009 - 20.12.2009A Place Especially for Kids and Families in the Altes Rathaus. more
05.09.2009Fabulous creatures swarmed about the city and transformed it into a wonderful biotope amidst signs of the end of the world and its redemption. more
Klänge der Macht / The Sound of Power
20.03.2009 - 21.03.2009A symposium investigated the continuities and discontinuities in music policymaking in Linz and Upper Austria before and after 1945. more
Kommen und Gehen / Coming and Going
18.12.2008 - 31.12.2009During the Capital of Culture year, Linz put up some striking signage to let people know just where they were. The city limits signs along major roads into town were supplemented by new ones spelling out “Linz” in many of the foreign languages and alphabets in use here. more
Kopfstand09 / Headstand09
01.01.2006 - 31.12.2008Headstands are said to benefit the circulatory system and foster fresh thinking. Whoever stands concepts on their head discovers new points of view. And innovative answers. more
Kulturbaden / Culture Bathing
20.06.2009 - 09.08.2009n Summer 2009, Ottensheim enticed visitors to take the plunge: to immerse themselves in a poetic world that dances to the beat of a different drummer. more
Kulturgeschichtetag 2009 / Cultural History Convention 2009
12.09.2009 - 15.09.2009Who are the ultimate addressees of our research and our writing? How did we as a people get to be what we are? A core issue of modern cultural studies is cultural and social identity. more
Kulturlotsinnen / Culture Pilots
29.04.2009 - 08.11.2009Twelve female immigrants to Linz guided walking tour groups through the inner city and showed them the fascinating world they inhabit. more
Kunst Flow
04.02.2009 - 27.12.2009“Where people are working, art feels right at home.” Under this motto, enterprises and institutions networked with artists in the Linz metro area. more
Kunstpalast / Art Palace
24.03.2009 - 26.06.2009Backstage in a trailer: Upper Austrian authors, up close and personal more
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