Projects A-Z
Here, you’ll find all Capital of Culture year projects listed in alphabetical order. Click on the "more" link for a detailed description and further informations.
UmLinzRum / RoundAboutLinz
30.10.2006 - 26.11.2009Writing workshops held in selected Capitals of Culture and partner cities exported literary impressions to Linz. more
Universum Linz
07.04.2009Through the eyes of animals: The ORF – Austrian Broadcasting Company aired a nature film about the fauna of Linz from the fauna’s own perspective. more
Unter Uns / In Our Midst
27.02.2009 - 31.12.2009The IN OUR MIDST installation dealt with the Bridgehead Buildings and the history of Linz in the Nazi era. more
Upper austrians without borders
21.04.2009 - 26.04.2009A project by Israeli filmmaker Micha Shagrir was the next installment in the Homeland series he launched in 2004 with “Linz, Bischofstraße 7.” more
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