Projects A-Z
Here, you’ll find all Capital of Culture year projects listed in alphabetical order. Click on the "more" link for a detailed description and further informations.
Academy of the Impossible 2009
21.07.2009 - 28.08.2009Welcome to the 2009 Summer Session of the Academy of the Impossible in Linz! Get involved and surpass your personal limits. more
Academy of the Impossible 2008
14.07.2008 - 17.08.2008Welcome to this highly unconventional academy designed to further the development of artistic and individual skills and to push personal limits. more
29.11.2008 - 30.12.2008Anticipation intensifying, the Capital of Culture year approaching: It arrived in style! more
Akustikon - World of Hearing
Part of Hörstadt / Acoustic City28.06.2009 - 29.03.2010
European Research and Education Center for the Sustainable Development of Acoustic Space more
Alfred Kubin – “Silent Sensations“
30.05.2009 - 30.09.2009Upper Austria celebrated its world-famous painter with a Kubin Year and explored traces of the realms of the artist’s imagination. more
Ars Electronica
03.09.2009 - 08.09.2009In 2009 Ars Electronica celebrated its 30th anniversary—a great reason to reflect on its development as well as the evolution of media art worldwide. The festival held September 3-8, 2009 was entitled “Human Nature.” more
Atelierhaus Salzamt
10.07.2009 - 23.10.2009International artists’ atelier: The former Salt Authority in downtown Linz was converted into an artists’ meeting place. more
Ausblenden / Hide
10.05.2009 - 16.05.2009Seeing or being seen? Social Impact offered guided tours with a difference through downtown Linz—ones guaranteed to escape the notice of surveillance cameras. more
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