Projects A-Z
Here, you’ll find all Capital of Culture year projects listed in alphabetical order. Click on the "more" link for a detailed description and further informations.
Put Yourself in the Picture!
02.10.2009 - 26.10.2009And what if it wasn’t just happening on a stage? What if pictures that “looked like pictures only a moment ago” suddenly came to life? more
01.05.2009 - 03.05.2009Peripatetic music from all over the world: an urban musical excursion along Linz’s periphery. more
Phonomanie 9
04.12.2009 - 06.12.2009With Paul Lovens at center stage and Linz09 behind the scenes, Jazzatelier Ulrichsberg hosted its ninth PHONOMANIE, a three-day celebration that ran the gamut of this great musician’s creativity. more
Picnic on the Battlefield
20.02.2009 - 25.03.2009An antiwar play by Fernando Arrabal is the basis for an opera by Constantinos Stylianou. more
Pixel Hotel
01.09.2007Hong Kong, Chicago, Tierra del Fuego—fed up with cookie-cutter hotel rooms and their soul-deadening sameness? Once again: Linz is different! more
Politik liebt Kunst / Politics love arts
10.01.2008 - 03.04.2008Public officials in charge of cultural policies normally talk about concepts, subsidies, budgets, quotas, venues and buildings—but never about art itself. more
Political Sculpture: Barlach / Kasper / Thorak / Wotruba
18.09.2008 - 16.11.2008Four sculptors symbolize the circumstances imposed by the political and social systems prevailing before and after 1945. more
11.03.2009 - 21.03.2009The Jewish festival of Purim brought merriment and rebellion to the system of underground tunnels that make up Linz’s Cembran Keller. more
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