Encounters between Culture and Commerce
The processes of change that take place in a city are substantially influenced by its economic development. And, over and over again, these processes have proven to be of particular social relevance when the impetus for change stems from a vibrant dialog among cultural institutions and the business community. Linz09 is going about its mission under the conviction that economics play a key role in many aspects of cultural life while commerce has adopted concepts, perspectives and approaches from culture as well.What used to be a diametrical opposition now becomes a productive win-win situation: Culture imparts a positive image to the economy; the economy endows creative ambitions with adequate space to unfold. The entrepreneurial mix of the creative economy and economic-cultural points of contact within the purview of the creative industry thus sustainably enhance a region’s quality of life by giving rise to an urbane climate in which people feel truly inspired by a pervasive cosmopolitan open-mindedness.