Elisabeth BRUNMAYR (AT)
Elisabeth Brunmayr was born in 1983 in Linz. From 2001 to 2006, she studied history and international cultural management at the Sorbonne and Université Paris 8. She received her training as an actress at Cours Florent in Paris. In 2005-2006, she developed (in collaboration with Barbara Siegel) “ma plage” – A Multime-dia Installation” that ran in October 2006 at Nuit Blanche in Paris. Since 2004, she has been active as a journalist, contributing to various German-language media. In Spring 2008, she produced the feature film “Nadja” based on the novel of the same name by André
Breton (director: Augustin Burger). In 2008, she also staged excepts from Werner Schwab’s "Präsidentinnen" at Cours Florent, and acted in Rémi de Vos’ "Alpenstock."