Copyright: Linz AG
The expressive sculptures by forum metall still dominate downtown Linz’s riverside park. It was high time to put them into the proper light.
In 1977, Linz called attention to itself with a stylish, high-profile artistic coup: forum metall set up large-scale works by important contemporary artists in a prominent public location. This was an important step in the evolution of Linz’s image. It made Donaupark the site of a representative cross-section of abstract metallic sculpture from the ‘60s and ’70s. The organizers, Helmuth Gsöllpointner and Peter Baum, deliberately broke with conventional exhibition practice. The choice of materials underscored metal’s significance for Steel City and demonstrated the potential of iron, steel and aluminum in sculptors’ hands. The works by Herbert Bayer, Max Bill, Amadeo Gabino, Mathias Goeritz, Erwin Heerich, Piotr Kowalski, Eduardo Paolozzi, David Rabinowitch, Erwin Reiter and Günther Uecker still dominate the banks of the Danube. forum metall catapulted Linz to center stage of the art world. For 2009, artist Rolf Derrer implemented a new lighting concept for this sculpture park as well as for the walking path on the opposite bank in Urfahr. The subtly illuminating dramaturgy that lets viewers perceive the historical preconditions for the Capital of Culture year will continue as a radiant presence long after the lights were turned out on 2009.
WHAT // Shedding light on art
WHEN // Throughout 2009
WHERE // Donaupark
Free admission
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