Hell on Earth
Part of Theater Mania 1: Snowstorm
Copyright: Thomas Aurin
A sharp, street-wise, high-energy show created by choreographer Constanza Macras with a group of teenagers from Neukölln, a district of Berlin with 150,000 inhabitants from over 160 countries.
Copyright: Thomas Aurin
How do adolescents with an immigrant background cope with their sense of foreignness? Hell on Earth gives these young people a rare and much-needed opportunity to present themselves from their own perspective on their own terms. We see their efforts to become adults, the discrimination they encounter a daily basis, their desire to assimilate and the problems this brings. We also see their reactions to being continually exposed to stereotyped views of beauty and gender. The results are lively, moving and often very funny.
WHEN // 24 / 25 January 09
WHERE // Hafenhalle09
A production by Constanza Macras, Dorky Park and Hebbel am Ufer in coproduction with Kampnagel Hamburg.
Press Information to Hell on Earth
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