RebellInnen! / Activistas!
Copyright: trafoK
When did political demands first start being taken to the streets of Linz? What did these people want? How did their protesters manifest themselves? Three bus tours—“From One Struggle to the Next,” “Struggle, Embroidery and Roses” and “Papers, Work and Terms of Residence”—set off in search of the traces of social activism past and present in Linz.
The ACTIVISTAS interlinked various places and stories, and, thanks to extensive research by local residents integrated into the project’s staff, created new forms of identification with the city and produced knowledge about the city that would otherwise not have been available to many people in Linz. The establishment of an alternative history as well as the revelation and dissemination of unknown and “invisible” accounts and locations of social and historical protest in Linz are to be seen as important achievements that made this project a success. These experimental tours were the outgrowth of collaborative efforts undertaken with the following Linz organizations: Gewerkschaftsjugend Oberösterreich (labor union youth group), Pedagogical Academy of the Diocese of Linz, Linz Art University and Radio FRO.
WHAT // bus tour
WHEN // March-September 2009, Saturdays from 2 to 6 PM
WHERE // Departure: bus stop at Untere Donaulände 26, Linz
PARTICIPANTS // Bini Adamczak, Vida Bakondy, dypol deductions, Eva Egermann, Leopoldine Feichtinger, Vlatka Frketic, FROzine Redaktion, Julia Gerstbauer, Elke Gaugele, Margit Grad, Karin Hackl, Iris Harratzmüller, Christiane Heindl, Stephanie Helmberger, Dagmar Höss, Marty Huber, iftaf, Alexander Jöchl, Anita Jovic, Elisabeth Keppelmüller, Sabrina Kern, Eva König, Rosi Kröll, Susanne Larson, maiz, MASI knitwear made in Linz, Gerda Martinez-Lopez, Verena Mayrhofer, Mieze Medusa, Claudia Nickl, Christine Pavlic, Bernhard Pospisil, Rosel Postuvanschitz, Recherchegruppe für Schwarze österreichische Geschichte und Gegenwart, Christine Reitner, Oliver Ressler, Ajdin Rexhepi, Andreea Sasaran, Verena Schiefermüller und Katharina Schinagl, Stefanie Seibold, Sexy Shock and the International Committee of the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe, Helene Siebermair, Katharina Struber, Zelimir Zilnik.
Graphic design: Toledo i Dertschei
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