Copyright: Markus Scherer
Addressing the interrelationships among various media, how they’re to be read and interpreted, and their impact by and upon people who use them have long occupied the focal point of Christoph Herndler and Markus Scherer’s artistic efforts. Together with collaborators in several other disciplines, they examine questions that are not even recognized as such by other analysts. In SUBJECT/OBJECT they tackled the issue of intermediality and the social dimensions of performing as a group. Anything that can be interpreted as taking up a position in the interstices between the media of music, performance, spatial installation, video and drawing was of interest as was anything situated in the “interstices” between people—the social space. This endeavor is best captured by a term from systems analysis: setting, the interplay of a situation’s individual components.
WHAT // Intermedial performance
WHEN // October 20, 2009
WHERE // Brucknerhaus
PARTICIPANTS // Josef Dabernig (performance), Markus Schlee (drawings), Ensemble EIS (12 instrumental soloists, 3 vocalists
Press Information to Subjekt/Objekt