Landschaftsoper / Landscape Opera
Copyright: Siegrid Ablinger
LANDSCAPE OPERA was on a mission: the creative relaunch of opera as an artistic genre, the debut of a hybrid subsuming mutually independent activities and diverse artforms. Ulrichsberg, its surroundings and resources, the landscape and people’s everyday lives were the material, the libretto and the content. This wasn’t a case of projecting art utterly foreign to this place onto it; unique, definitive, local facts & circumstances were integral parts of this piece. It was comprised of seven acts, each with its own mode of expression: planting trees, a hiking map, a sound archive, a video installation, a shop display window piece, a project involving school kids and, as a sort of culminating concert, a party. The duration of each act varied depending on the artform itself—one lasted the whole year; the rest for a few weeks or days. Accompanying concerts underscored the piece’s intention: “3 Tage Wandelweiser” was conceived as a model project in the field of tonal anatomy, physiology and biochemistry; “Contest of Pleasures” used acoustic material from the region.
WHAT // Landscape opera
WHEN // Throughout 2009
WHERE // In and around Ulrichsberg
PARTICIPANTS // Ensemble09, an ensemble made up of members of the Bruckner Orchestra, Ulrichsberger Blasmusik, Stubenmusik and other local musicians.
Press Information to Landscape Opera