Linz Atlas
Copyright: FLAG Aubry/Broquard & Jonas Voegeli
Every European Capital of Culture must, first and foremost, come to terms with itself. LINZ ATLAS gets beyond biased points of view and claims motivated by a political agenda to deliver an objective portrait of this city. Hard facts & figures reveal strengths and weaknesses, and show how Linz stacks up in comparison to its European peers. But the atlas also reflects an effort to bring out the essential qualities of everyday life here. The key question: What is it exactly that makes this city an especially good place for people to live? Is it housing, the local economy, culture and infrastructure? Are clean air and an unpolluted river key factors?
The author, Linz sociologist Peter Arlt, has gathered a tremendous amount of data, which the coauthors, Swiss graphic artists Jonas Voegeli and Dimitri Broqard, have used to create an extraordinary work that’s gotten rave reviews from bibliophiles. It’s a detailed and comprehensive portrait of Linz that thrives on intercity comparison and the quest for the quality of life in the Capital of Culture.
LINZ ATLAS was singled out for recognition in 2009 by the HÖB–Association of Austrian Book Dealers and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture as one of Austria's most beautiful books in the Nonfiction category.
WHAT // Publication
WHEN // Book presentation: November 27, 2008
WHERE // Wissensturm
Available at leading bookstores and direct from the publisher online at SpringerWienNewYork
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