Erfundene Erinnerung / Invented Memory
Copyright: Heimrad Bäcker
Over the last two decades, memory research has gotten established as a key field in cultural studies. The INVENTED MEMORY symposium explored the specific role that literary texts can play in shaping cultural or collective memory. Internationally acclaimed literary scholars and historians gave papers that discussed works by Adalbert Stifter and Heimrad Bäcker in terms of their wide array of fixations on and reflections of events beyond the realm of literature, and discussed their ideas with an extraordinarily knowledgeable audience. The 2009 Heimrad Bäcker Prize award ceremony concluded the symposium.
WHAT // Symposium, reading, award ceremony
WHEN // July 4 – 5, 2009
WHERE // StifterHaus
IDEA / CONCEPT // Thomas Eder
PARTICIPANTS // Klaus Amann, Nicolas Berg, Thomas Eder, Patrick Greaney, Ansgar Nünning, Vera Nünning, Annegret Pelz, Wolfgang Wiesmüller
Free admission