Für die Beweglichkeit / For the Sake of Mobility
Copyright: Maerz
Poesis is essentially the creative process of bringing forth, consummating and communicating. It’s thus a concept that can (must? may?) be defined in very open, inclusive terms. Where is this taking us? A memorial exhibit was dedicated to Georg Jappe, essayist and poet at home in a wide variety of forms, who passed away in 2007. This event was the point of departure of FOR THE SAKE OF MOBILITY, a biennial poetry festival staged for the third time in 2009. The theme: “Notes, margins, nomads”; the featured nations were France, Switzerland and Hungary. This festival not only positioned itself in the interstices between artistic categories; it moved among various venues, integrated New Music into its readings and speeches whenever it was relevant to what was being expressed. Audiences were invited to encounter poetry that opens up new spaces to them.
WHAT // Poetry festival
WHEN // April 15-18, 2009; exhibition: April 1-19, 2009
WHERE // MAERZ Art Association, StifterHaus, HMH Kunstereignisse, Botanical Garden Linz
IDEA / CONCEPT // Christian Steinbacher
Free admission
Programme Poetry Days (only available in German)Download Press Photos Für die Beweglichkeit