Stadtkino / City Cinema
Copyright: Moviemento
Linz was never a shooting location for cinemascope love stories; its scenery wasn’t the backdrop for emotions blazing across the big screen; there’s no Cinecittà-by-the-Danube. But who needs Rome or Hollywood; Linz09 regularly screened cinematic highlights of Upper Austrian provenance! Audiences sat back and enjoyed the show STADTKINO lined up including features like „“Die Siebtelbauern” (The Inheritors) by Oscar-winner Stefan Ruzowitzky and “Hasenjagd” (The Quality of Mercy) by Andreas Gruber. There were also documentaries: Sabine Derflinger’s “Achtung Staatsgrenze” (Halt! Frontier!) and Walter Wippersberg’s “Fest des Huhns”? Or would you prefer scream-inducing celluloid like “In drei Tagen bist du tot” (Dead in Three Days), a horror film set in an eerie version of the province’s Salzkammergut region. In addition to “the classics,” STADTKINO provided a forum for young experimental filmmakers. To complement this lineup, an archive station was set up in the lobby of Moviemento offering free and unlimited screenings of Linz-related films that were part of the Crossing Europe Film Festival.
There were two additional collaborations with Moviemento: Linz09 supported the annual Summer Cinema on the plaza in front of the OK Center for Contemporary Art as well as a series of films on the subject of “Change” in December 2009.
WHAT // Film
WHEN // January 5-December 22, 2009
WHERE // Moviemento
Information about the films (only available in German)Download Press Photos Stadtkino