Festival 4020. more than Music: SONG
Copyright: Helmut Lackinger
SONG. Lied, canto, poem. Singing. And relating. (After all, it’s not far to the local dialect word “sogn” meaning “to say, to tell.”) In this spirit, 4020 showcased foundational narrative methods from the Middle Ages to 21st-century pop culture.
This was about music that tells a story, about the amalgamation of melody and language, the interweaving of literary texts with musical textures. It was about stories that can be told in words, and those that only music can bring out. And about the rhythmic counting that’s inherent in recounting. SONG’s narrative arc was a broad span indeed: from the folk songs of Luciano Berio to contemporary takes on Franz Schubert’s lieder, from the exquisite vocal artistry of the Italian Renaissance to the virtuoso creative anarchy of free vocal improvisation.
WHAT // Music festival
WHEN // May 6-9, 2009
WHERE // Brucknerhaus and other venues
IDEA / CONCEPT // Peter Leisch
PROGRAMMING // Alois Fischer jun., Peter Leisch
PERFORMING ARTISTS // Trio ACCANTO , Benat Achiary, Gerd Amelung, John Butcher, Francesco Cali, AngelicaCastello, Christa Druckenthaner, Philippe de Eczurra, Ensemble09, Stephan Froleyks,Extended Heritage, Bernhard Landauer, Weiping Lin, Gerda Lischka, Ramon Lopez,Donatienne Michel-Dansac, Carlo Muratori, Max Nagl, Walter Pilar, Frank Pschichholz,Judith Ramerstorfer, Eva Reiter, Billy Roisz, Ludmilla Samodayewa, Andrej Serkov, MariaSkiba, Erich Wolfgang Skwara, Burkhard Stangl, Amanda Stewart, Reinhild Waldek
COMPOSITIONS & SONGS // Beat Furrer, Ada Gentile, Jens Joneleit, Rudolf Jungwirth, Helmut Lachenmann,Bernhard Lang, Olga Neuwirth, Yonghi Paag-Paan, Judith Varga
Press Information to Festival 4020