Akustikon Reconfigured
Press Release
10 April 2008
The Akustikon, a joint venture of Linz09 and the Caner Foundation, unfortunately can-not be installed as originally conceived on Linz’s Main Square at Hauptplatz 14.
The excessive demands of a commercial landlord as well as several private lessors and the resulting time constraints on completing the necessary construction have made it impossible for the Caner Foundation to adapt the proposed facility at a reasonable cost. The Caner Foundation originally agreed to finance the rental of the premises, installation of the fixtures and operation of the Akustikon for 10 years at the Hauptplatz 14 address. Nevertheless, the Caner Foundation continues to support all of Linz09’s efforts to come up with an alternative under these new conditions.
Linz09 remains fully committed to pushing ahead and seeking a solution to implement-ing the Akustikon project. We will release details about the reconfigured project as soon as they are available.