The Capital of Culture as a factor in urban development and Hubert von Goisern as Linz09’s goodwill ambassador
Things are already happening in Linz! The city is in the midst of intensive preparations for a project that is endowing its image with interesting new contours and is a driving force behind dynamic regional development: Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture. The upcoming stint as Europe’s cultural host city offers a big chance—already during the lead-in to the big year but especially during the time thereafter—for Linz, for Upper Austria, for an ambitious cultural program and for tourism marketing. Linz09 has the potential to significantly increase international awareness of this city and, at the same time, to strengthen this region’s links with Europe and the world.Linz is very much looking forward to its role as host. With a budget of about 65 million euros (20 million each from the city, the province and the federal government; 5 million from revenues and an EU subsidy), it is incumbent upon Linz09 to bring the extraordinary to fruition. This is already reflected in effective communication and cooperation with the private sector and in the implementation of an idea that is imparting unprecedented economic stimulus here.
General press inquiries about Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture:
Mag. Pia Leydolt
Linz 2009 Kulturhauptstadt Europas OrganisationsGmbH
Gruberstraße 2, 4020 Linz, Austria
Tel +43 / (0)732 / 2009-37
Fax +43 / (0)732 / 2009-43