Capital of Culture Neighborhood of the Month
Press Release
Wednesday 18 March 2009
Real-Life Hospitality
At first glance, the cultural treasures in store for visitors to the Kleinmünchen/Auwiesen neighborhood are nothing to write home about. But if you stick around and look around a bit, you start to notice some things well worth closer inspection. Stylish residential areas, the church in the cloth factory, the meadowlands of the Traun, sports & recreational facilities, and wide-ranging cultural offerings endow this area on the south side of Linz with a great quality of life. Now, you can go on a “blind date” to get better acquainted with this part of town and its inhabitants. Individuals, families and various local institutions are serving as hosts, and invite you to spend a day and a night with them.
Additional info and the guest registration form are online at
Project Presentations
Wednesday, March 25, 2009, 7:30 PM:
In conjunction with “Insights into Lifeworlds”
Kepler Salon, Rathausgasse 5, 4020 Linz;
Wednesday, May 20, 2009, 7 PM
Host/hostesses discuss their experiences
Tuchfabrik Auwiesen, Schörgenhubstraße 39, 4030 Linz
We would certainly appreciate it if your media outlet would cover this project and report that there are still some openings for those who would like to spend ONE DAY AND ONE NIGHT IN A SUBURB.