Linz in the Austrian Tourism Limelight

Get-together in the Linz09 Café at the actb
From left to right: Walter Putschögl, financial director of Linz09; Johann Schenner, Austrian Chamber of the Economy’s national director for recreation and tourism; Austrian Commerce Minister Reinhold Mitterlehner; Petra Stolba, member of the executive board of Österreich Werbung, Georg Steiner, tourism director; pastry chef Leo Jindrak and Karl Pramendorfer, member of the executive board of OÖ Tourismus
Copyright: Tourismusverband Linz
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Press Release
27 January 2009
Interest on the part of media outlet representatives and travel industry professionals is very high. The Capital of Culture’s offerings are making an impact all over Europe and also being accorded recognition worldwide. The press conference held by Österreich Werbung, Austria's official national tourist agency, focused on the Capital of Culture. Österreich Werbung’s Petra Stolba stated: “Europe’s 2009 Capital of Culture is another excellent reason to travel to Austria this year.”
On hand are the Linz City Tourist Board, Linz09 and several partners from the local hospitality industry. A big hit with expo visitors is the Linz09 Café, where master pastry chef Leo Jindrak serves up authentic Linzer Tortes.
Press Contact
Linz City Tourist Board | Marion Brunnmayr
Tel. +43 (0)732/7070-2922 Fax: +43 (0)732/700494