Hunger for Culture!
Linz09 is taking part in the Hunger for Art and Culture initiative that’s starting in early May in Upper Austria.
Following successful implementation in other Austrian provinces, the Hunger for Art and Culture initiative is coming to Upper Austria in early May. This project was launched in 2003 by Schauspielhaus Wien, one of Vienna’s leading theatres, and the Armutskonferenz, a network combating poverty and social exclusion. Hunger for Art and Culture’s mission is to make art and culture accessible to everyone. This initiative benefits all those who would like to take part in cultural life but don’t have the financial means to do so. Participating institutions issue these individuals a Culture Pass that can be exchanged for an admission ticket. This initiative is financed exclusively by donations.Together with Linz’s Landestheater, the Museums of the Province of Upper Austria, the Crossing Europe Film Festival Linz, the O.K Center for Contemporary Art and many other institutions in the city and the surrounding region, Linz09 is a proud supporter of this praiseworthy initiative.
The website goes online in May.