Agnes Mayer-BrandisSGM Iceberg Probe
Installation, 2006-08
Located near the entrance to the Dachstein Ice Caves
This project has been produced in cooperation with Dachstein World Heritage and will be on display until Fall
We’re not just exploring the urban underground; the depths below an Alpine landscape also occupy our attention. In an expedition tent set up near the entrance to the Dachstein Ice Caves, visitors can use a tactile search device hooked up to a monitor and headphones to visually and acoustically scan an underground region that’s now threatened by economic interests and global warming. The SGM (sub-glacialis montometer) probe is steered through a hole drilled 120 meters deep, and thus functions as an interface between two worlds. It’s a research instrument as well as a video installation that transports us into fantastic worlds.
Software: Ralf Baecker. Mechanic & Electronic. Support: Ralf Wolf, Roman Kirschner
Supported by: NRW Art Foundation, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Agnes Mayer-Brandis was born in 1973 in Aachen, Germany. She lives and works in Cologne.