Back in Linz: ‘Walk right in!’

Copyright: Alex Davies

The “Circus” relocates one more time and returns to Linz: between 10 August and the end of the month you will be given another chance to take part in musical adventures presented in the famed French circus tent. Don’t miss it!

The Oman Consort, one of Austria’s leading ensembles for ancient music, use their programme “Exit Baroque”, which consists of music from Italy and England, to transport their audience back to the time of the Baroque, an age known for its joie de vivre, vitality and high spirits.
Shangri-La is a mythical, secluded spot in the Himalayas, a utopian mountain retreat. The search for one’s own utopia is what Wolfgang Fadi Dorninger’s evening “Shangri-La” is all about.
In addition to these two programmes there will also be another opportunity to see (again?) such already established “Circus” favourites as “Surprise!”, “Magie”, “Revue”, “Clownerie” and “Instant Anton”.

The “Circus” is back in Linz
10 – 30 August 2009
For more information and tickets go to
Reduced admission for holders of Linz09 Insider passes and Linz09 Cards.