Ambling through the World...

Copyright: Katrin Emler

Every person has an individual rhythm. For example, his/her gait: fast or slow, long or short strides, smooth or with slight irregularities. These divergences in the ways people walk is what the “Go Your Gait!” project is all about. See for yourself beginning May 14 in Linz’s Wissensturm.

Linz’s network of sister cities is spread throughout the world. Each one of them has its own special sounds and its own volume level. These “citysounds” form the background of a series of recordings of the sounds people make when they walk through these cities—among them, Albufeira, Portugal, Chengdu, China, Linköping, Sweden and Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Each audiovisual work lasts several minutes and is accompanied by a travel diary and photos.

Go Your Gait!
May 14-August 15, 2009
Wissensturm, Kärtnerstr. 26, 4020 Linz
Free admission
Opening hours at