Place of Yearning for…

Hafen der Sehnsucht

115 languages are spoken in the City of Linz, home of countless ethnic communities and associations. Now, Linz09 is making Hafenhalle09 available as a setting in which the city’s minorities can present themselves to the public.

Kicking off this series is the Black Community’s celebration and discussion of an event of international political importance: Barack Obama’s election as president of the USA. The evening of January 31 will be a time for dancing, eating & drinking and political dialog.

In the Harbour of Longing for… Obama!
Saturday, January 31, 2009, 9 PM
Hafenhalle09 (on the corner of Industriezeile and Derfflingerstraße, Hafenbecken 3)
Access via public transportation: Bus lines 19, 27, 46 (Hafenhalle)
Free admission!