Advent08: Looking Forward to a Joyous Capital of Culture Year!

Copyright: Paul Kranzler

As the lead-in to the Capital of Culture year’s grand opening, Advent has a bit of a different look this year—it’s 32 days long and the Advent wreath has five candles.

The Advent programme designed to get Linz into the Capital of Culture year spirit will kick off November 29. Linz09’s Advent calendar is full of traditional Christmas cheer but with a little twist! The Theatre of the Child opens each day on the Theatrical Advent Calendar, and the calendar at Café Centrum in downtown Linz has cartoons hidden behind its 32 windows. Just in time for the first pre-Christmas shopping Saturday, “Ruhepol Centralkino” on Landstraße will be putting some soulful serenity back into what has become the most hectic time of the year. The first Tower Hermit will move into his quarters high atop St. Mary’s Cathedral. And musical signals of the season will be resounding throughout Linz from the steeple of the City Parish Church.
The whole town will be full of joyous anticipation of the Capital of Culture year…