“Linz, Texas” Provides an Occasion for Dialog


Just before “Linz Texas – A City Relates” completes its run in Vienna and moves on to Graz, Architekturzentrum Wien is staging one more discussion of the exhibition’s theme. Entitled “Power of Display,” this exchange of views will deal with several issues including the best ways to publicly present the qualities of a city.

In cooperation with the schnittpunkt exhibition network, Architekturzentrum Wien is hosting a discussion of the concept of the “Linz Texas” exhibition and of the selection of design strategies and materials used in it. Kerstin Krenn will serve as moderator; panelists are curator Angelika Fitz, Heidi Pretterhofer (arquitectos / exhibition architecture) and Michael Rieper (MVD Austria / exhibition graphics). The aim is to shed light on questions such as: “How can a substantive concept be applied to a particular space? What objects were selected for what reasons? How are the respective media utilized in the exhibition?
“Linz Texas,” an exhibition staged during the lead-in to the Capital of Culture year, is also raising fascinating questions as well as providing some creative answers to them: From whom can Linz learn a thing or two? What can others learn from Linz? And just what does Linz have in common with Haifa, Wolfsburg or Galati? For answers to these and other questions, visit “Linz Texas”—until September 8 in Architekturzentrum Wien; then in Stadtmuseum Graz beginning September 25.

“Power of Display” in conjunction with “Linz Texas”
Wednesday, September 3, 2008, 6 PM
Architekturzentrum Wien, Alte Halle
1, 1070 Vienna, Austria
Free admission