Picture This: Your Own Personal Linz09 Commemorative Album

Die Bilder
Copyright: Andreas Kepplinger

Each of us has very special Linz09 memories. Perhaps you took pictures during your Capital of Culture visit to preserve impressions of events, exhibitions and projects that especially appealed to you. Now you can enter your best shot in our photo contest!

The Capital of Culture year was colorful and diversified. And it’s precisely this tremendous variety that’s so beautifully captured in Linz09’s recently published “Die Bilder” (The Pictures) commemorative album. But maybe you’ve taken a few great shots of your own! Now, a photo contest being staged at the conclusion of the Capital of Culture year is your chance to share them with the world. We’d love to see your most beautiful, funniest, most original, and most striking images of Linz09. All submissions will go on display in an online gallery at www.linz09.at, and the three most outstanding images will each be honored with a prize: a copy of “Die Bilder.” The photo gallery will go online here December 21, 2009.

By submitting an entry to this contest, you thereby assure us that the picture can be posted on www.linz09.at free of charge and that doing so does not violate any third party’s rights.


And the winners are:

Andreas Buchberger

Nathalie Schafranek

Salomao Nunes


Andreas Buchberger
Andreas Felber
Annemarie Sallaberger
Christian Eckle
Christian Füricht
Christoph Kepplinger
Claudia Erblehner
Daniel Mitterlehner
David Sevilla
Elfi Kern
Florian Mondl
Friederike Ecker
Gerold Seidl
Heidi Seidl
Heinz Fessel
Herbert Ostermann
Ingrid Sapp
Irmi Novotny
Johann Brendli
Julia Heinisch
Manfred Koppensteiner
Mathias Bauer
Melanie Laibl
Michael Frühmann
Michael Kumar
Nathalie Schafranek
Peter Mühleder
Ralf Sallaberger
Roland Barthofer
Rosalia Hasibether
Roswitha Schneider
Salomao Nunes
Sarah Graber
Sonja Gaisbauer
Stefan Haist
Thomas Bindreiter
Wolfgang Victor